Tales of Trust from Our Customers


Success Stories

“There comes a point in life when you have to be willing to move on from your yesterdays and even your todays. We have to decide, what now? Is this what I really want? It was at my point of decision that I met Dr. Karen Perkins. Karen encouraged me to find something meaningful for myself. I learned that it is not selfish to do something for myself. In fact, nurturing myself gave me the energy and strength to nurture others. With Karen’s help, at the age of 53, I discovered I could make people laugh. Who knew? Now, three years later, I have a standing gig at a local comedy club! Thank you, Dr. K for helping me discover this passion.”

Diane W.


My life was falling apart all around me. My friend insisted I do a three-month coaching program with Dr. K. I’ll be honest, at the time I had to borrow money from my friend, but that was the all-time best investment I’ve ever made. I not only received my money’s worth, I got so, so much more. My income actually increased two-fold, so the investment was covered, and I had enough for another three months and much, much more! And the money just keeps coming in.

She listened, coached, used her psychic abilities to get to my hidden struggles, and had visualization sessions with me. I don’t know what to say, she is a miracle worker. The term HEALER doesn’t even begin to describe her.

Adela Frannson


Have you ever felt you had to look, feel and be perfect, and know that you are not and don’t? Welcome to reality. As a man, I was told I had to act and feel a certain way to succeed in business. Yet, you knew you were hiding a big piece of who you were? Or perhaps just wasn’t really happy?

I was doing the same old routine every day. My anxiety, frustration and even anger was building to a boiling point, and it showed. My boss told me to get help or be fired. Dr. Karen Perkins and I worked together with her Living First Class system I realized the “men should be a certain way” story was fiction. She gave me permission to have and feel my emotions, both positive and negative. She did some hypnotherapy with me, along with her impressive coaching. My understanding of who I am and my outlook on life was powerful. Powerful enough that I not only kept my job, but I’ve also been promoted several times now.

I’m looking forward to attending your healing retreat this Spring Karen! Thank you for all. You are a blessing.

Michael Mandona

CIO, MRX inc.

Thank you for the lovely gift. I have a new hope of love and peace from your insight on self-esteem.

Janice Rice

MSDEM, Quincy MA

Karen is the best trainer I have had. Her excitement, enthusiasm and passion for the topic are commendable. The examples she shared made learning a pleasure. I would have no hesitation in attending another session with Karen as the trainer.

Julian Mason

CS Manager, Bedford Ind. Inc. Panorama,


Karen is the best trainer I have had. Her excitement, enthusiasm and passion for the topic are commendable. The examples she shared made learning a pleasure. I would have no hesitation in attending another session with Karen as the trainer.

Ted Frye

Director of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management, Boston Mass

Your message was worthwhile, and your energy level was awesome. Everyone enjoyed the material and the way you presented it. You have a unique style and an accomplished skill. When teaching communications, you set a genuine example.

Bill Vernon

President IAPWS (International Association of Professionals in Workforce Services)

Karen made me laugh, think, cry and wonder. She shed new light on subjects I had not only previously learned but had taught. With her insight and encouragement, I not only improved my life, but it also improved the employees I work with, lives, outlook, and productivity. This in turn improved the companies bottom line, which allowed more money left for raises. Her coaching of one, improved the lives of many.

Julian Mason

CS Manager, Bedford Ind. Inc. Panorama,


Karen’s ability to relate to people is fantastic. Clear, positive, and pro-active. From our coaching sessions, I have gained a renewed energy and love for life. I’ve been able to release the negative energy and bad experiences of the past. “FANTABULOUS”

Olivia Kilmora

Accounts Payable, Hamilton Laboratories, Adelaide, SA AU

Karen is fabulous! Words are insufficient to describe her efforts and skills in helping you get to your root issues. She can look you in the eye and see what past experiences are holding you back. It was shocking the things she was able to see. From this sight, I was finally able to face the past, love my present, and plan my future for a full happy life. Thank you. Your coaching saved my life.

Paul Franc

Administrator, The County Group, Adelaide, SA Australia

Karen was brilliant. Her anecdotes and witty remarks made the workshop interesting and relevant. Well done Karen.

Bryan Wallace

Victoria Tourism, Melbourne AU

"The Power of You Coaching program has completely changed my life. I was struggling with low self-esteem and anxiety, but after working with Karen, I am finally starting to believe in myself. I have a clear vision for my future, and I am taking steps to make my dreams a reality. I am so grateful for this program!"

Jane Blackburn

Wow! Wow! I mean really WOW! I laughed, I cried, and I gained the courage I need to follow my heart and be happy as well as successful!

Heidi Beale

Casco Co., Chicago, IL

"I used to be so stressed and overwhelmed, but Dr. Karen helped me to learn how to manage my time and reduce stress. I'm now so much calmer and more in control of my life."

David Barnett

"I used to be so negative and self-critical, but Dr. K., helped me to change my mindset and start believing in myself. I'm now so much more confident and I'm achieving things that I never thought possible."

Mary Johansson

"I used to have a hard time connecting with people, Karen Perkins helped me improve my communication skills and build stronger relationships. I'm now so much more connected to the people around me."

Michael Williams

Dr. K (Karen) is a great coach! She listens, asks questions that opens up your sharing more. She seemed to know things that I hadn’t admitted out loud to anyone before. This unique ability was the crux for me finally facing and putting the past pains behind me. She used excellent examples to help me see a different perspective. I walk away from each session with new skills and insight. I know I will use the information and skills she’s given me, over and over again! Thank you Dr. K, for giving me my life back minus the negative past.

Gayle Taylor

Cal State University

Hi, my name is Stephanie Coleman and I’m excited to have the opportunity to recommend Dr. Karen Perkins. While I was at National Seminars Group I contracted Karen consistently. I could always count on her to jump on a plane at a moment’s notice to save my day always to hit high sales and to work well with any trainer I paired her with. Most importantly, she consistently got high scores from our audience. Anyone contracting Karen to Speaker Train to their group will definitely not be disappointed!

Stephanie Coleman

Seminar Event Planner

“I was a 47-year veteran smoker. When my wife got lung cancer, I knew I had to stop. I tried everything I could think of, Nicotine Gum, Patches, going Cold Turkey, etc. Nothing worked. I just had too many years of habit to stick to it. My step-daughter told me about Dr. Karen Perkins and insisted I give her a try. Let me tell you, for my second session we did hypnotherapy. I haven’t smoked a single cigarette since. And it’s been over 6 years now. I was so pleased with this that I worked with her on additional things in my life and sent a bunch of my buddies her way. They’re all glad I did.”

Gene Burger

Take Control Of Your Destiny

Live First Class

Let The Magic Happen

Engaging international speaker, internal reset expert, best selling author,

business leader and consultant.

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